Ricardo Morales Hendry
Info / Prices
Full color
One color
One color
Full color
Hand painted originals - Museum quality - Not Digital
About Paintings
Paintings are done in full color or a single color on canvas. The single color works look like drawings but they're done with oil paint on canvas, usually burnt umber or black, and require no glass when framed.
Most paintings are ordered in the preferred standard sizes of 9"x 12" and 11"x 14" which facilitate framing but custom sizes can also be done.
Children and Pet Heads
9"x 12" $300 one color, $450 full color
11"x 14" $400 one color, $550 full color
16"x 20" $600 one color, $800 full color
18"x 24" $800 one color, $1,100 full color
Horse's Heads
24"x 24" $1,100 one color, $2,000 full color
36"x 36" $1,500 one color, $3,000 full color
Prices for larger sizes, additional images, and intricate backgrounds, etc., will be discussed directly with the client.
50% with your order and 50% when your painting is ready for shipping. An image of the finished artwork will be sent to you via email for your approval. You may use:
PayPal with rmorart@hotmail.com
or Zelle with rmorart1@gmail.com
Time Frame
11"x 14" and smaller paintings are usually finished within 15 days of confirmed order date, nevertheless a time frame will be given to you upon receiving your order.
Larger paintings, group portraits or multiple image paintings take longer so after calculating completion time it will be informed to the client.
Paintings 11"x 14" and smaller will be sent mounted on their stretcher. Larger ones are shipped rolled up in a tube.
Shipping is only within the continental United States.